IIT People Search

Mattia Pesce

Senior Technician
Research center

 NBT Imaging Facility (NBTIF) Supervisor

Specialty Keywords: Wide Field Fluorescence microscopy,Confocal microscopy,Two Photon microscopy, Confocal spinning Disk,TIRF, FRET, FCS, FLIM,Photoactivation, In vivo 2p imaging, Long-term time lapse imaging, neuronal motility.

Mattia Pesce graduated in Physics at the University of Genova in 2005 on the study of fluorescent-lifetime imaging microscopy.  From 2005 to 2007  he  works  in R&D office in the ISS company at Champaign IL (USA). From 2007-2015 he moved to the Italian Institute of  Technology (IIT) as a Junior Technician, Supervisor of Imaging facility in the Neuroscince and Brain Technology (NBTIF). In 2010 he received  his PhD in Bioengineering from University of Genova on the study "Long term imaging of axonal regeneration after injury by an UV-A laser dissector system". In 2015 until now he works as a Senior Technician for NIC@CHT and NEFA@CCT


Title: Master Degree in Physic
Institute: Unige
Location: GENOVA
Country: Italy
From: 1999 To: 2005

Title: Ph.D. Bioengineering
Institute: Unige
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2010 To: 2013

Experience External

Title: Specialist and R&D designer
Institute: ISS
Location: Champaign
Country: USA
From: 2005 To: 2007

All Publications
Trusel M., Baldrighi M., Marotta R., Gatto F., Pesce M., Frasconi M., Catelani T., Papaleo F., Pompa P.P., Tonini R., Giordani S.
Internalization of Carbon Nano-onions by Hippocampal Cells Preserves Neuronal Circuit Function and Recognition Memory
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 10, (no. 20), pp. 16952-16963
Tedesco M.T., Di Lisa D., Massobrio P., Colistra N., Pesce M., Catelani T., Dellacasa E., Raiteri R., Martinoia S., Pastorino L.
Soft chitosan microbeads scaffold for 3D functional neuronal networks
Biomaterials, vol. 156, pp. 159-171
Habibey R., Latifi S., Mousavi H., Pesce M., Arab-Tehrany E., Blau A.
A multielectrode array microchannel platform reveals both transient and slow changes in axonal conduction velocity
Scientific Reports, vol. 7, (no. 1)
Onesto V., Cancedda L., Coluccio M.L., Nanni M., Pesce M., Malara N., Cesarelli M., DI Fabrizio E., Amato F., Gentile F.
Nano-topography Enhances Communication in Neural Cells Networks
Scientific Reports, vol. 7, (no. 1)
Fresia C., Vigliarolo T., Guida L., Booz V., Bruzzone S., Sturla L., Di Bona M., Pesce M., Usai C., De Flora A., Zocchi E.
G-protein coupling and nuclear translocation of the human abscisic acid receptor LANCL2
Scientific Reports, vol. 6, (no. 1)